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Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Giving TracFone as a Gift

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Affordable and Easy, TracFones Make for Great Gifts

Do you know someone who doesn't own a cell phone? Maybe a son or daughter, niece or nephew, grandfather or grandmother, or other friends. If you are looking for a gift idea, a TracFone might be it! 

Nothing says 'I want to talk with you more often' than giving someone a cell phone. And prepaid phones make it easy to manage costs and avoid the hassle of contract phones.

How Easy is it to Give a Cell Phone?

It is actually quite easy. There are two general decisions to make when buying a TracFone. The first is which phone to buy, and the second is what airtime cards or plans to get.

We will cover both below, starting with cell phone buying options.

Buying a TracFone

TracFones are available in many locations and are easy to find. Retail stores such as Walmart and Target sell  a few varieties of the phones and you can also buy directly from Amazon is another internet location where you can often find TracFones on sale for less.

What can be challenging is choosing which phone to get. So we will provide a few options below to help give you some ideas. If you want to view more phone options, just visit and browse their phone selection.

LG 500G
LG 500g - One of the least expensive but most dependable phones from TracFone, this cell phone has a full QWERTY keyboard which makes texting easy and simple. This is a great phone for people of all ages, especially younger people. The small keys may make it hard for older people to use, but it is easy to get accustomed to and there is no bothering with learning to use T-9 or something else.

Financially, this phone makes a lot of sense typically priced at $20, and sometimes even less from Amazon. 

LG 840G
LG 840g - This is one of TracFones top of the line options. It is a touchscreen with a sleek appearance and great functionality. It includes 2GB of memory, and is 3G/Wifi enabled. It also comes with Triple Minutes for life, making this a great choice for those who might use their phone more often. 

This phone is typically priced well under $100, and can be purchased through Amazon with minutes included for a good deal. This is another option that almost anyone can enjoy and use.

For more phones and reviews by us, visit our Cell Phone Reviews page!

Buying Minutes for your TracFone

Getting minutes for a TracFone is quite simple to do. There are two prepaid options: pay as you go minute cards or monthly installment plan.
Pay as you go means you buy minute cards and load them onto the phone, giving you anywhere between 60-800 minutes and 90-365 days of service, depending on which card you buy.

Monthly Installment plan means that you pay each month for 30 days of service, and a certain number of minutes to use that month.

The monthly installment plan offers simplicity, and is very financially enticing. Plans can be as low as $10 a month for 50 minutes.

1 Year and 400 Minutes
The pay as you go option simply means you buy airtime cards whenever you need them. Talking on the phone more this month than you usually do? Just buy an extra card and load the minutes on your phone.

Pay as you go is convenient because you can get a 1 year/400 minutes of service card for less than $100 and  not need to worry about the phone for the whole year! If at any time the phone starts to run low on minutes, you can just get more from many stores and even online.

What about Activation and other Quesitons?

Activating a new TracFone follows simple steps and can be completed in less than an hour! For those who might want to use an existing phone number, that can also usually be done at no extra cost.

For other questions, feel free to ask in the comments section.

Interested in more information? Visit our Overview of TracFone page for more info.

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